A quick glamor shot

Over the past few days I've been scrubbing up the parts that didn't make it to the machine shop for cleaning, and painting a few of them. For your enjoyment, here's my valve cover as it is now:

The lighting was poor so you can't tell that it's not black, but Duplicolor "Cast Coat Iron" engine enamel. It's the same colour as the block is, and the intake manifold will be.

1 comment:

Sgtarky said...

Hey, Hoverfish, looks like good progress on your car. I started my blog too http://1986lebaronproject.blogspot.com/ I will have to do a little retroactive blogging to fill people in. Really for this year there probably will only be 1 week or so worth of current updates. Anyway, have you given any thought to using Microsquirt for your engine management? Microsquirt is a scalled down megasquirt, completely assembled for 400 dollars. I will purchase one for my project. It does run pretty good considering I am using the stock tbi computer to drive 4 injectors :p It searches for idle but it gets on down the road decent.